(For further information see the link General Aims of our Research Activity).
"Literature Of(f) Limits: Pluriversal Cosmologies and Relational Identities in Present-Day Writing in English".
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and co-funded by the European Union (PID2021-124841NB-I00). Number of researchers: 7; work team members: 15.
“Contemporary North American Fiction and the 4th Industrial Revolution: From Posthumanity to Privation and Social Change” (2020-2023)
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106855GB-I00). Number of researchers: 6.
Literature in the Transmodern Era: Celebration, Limits and Transgression (2018-2021)
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (FFI2017-84258-P). Number of researchers: 11.
Trauma, Culture and Posthumanity: the Definition of Being in Contemporary North-American Fiction (2016-2019)
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (FFI2015-63506-P). Number of researchers: 14.
Palimpsestic Knowledge: Inquiries into a Transmodern Literary Paradigm (2016-2017)
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (FFI2015-65775-P). Number of researchers: 13.
Trauma and Beyond: The Rhetoric and Politics of Suffering in Contemporary Narrative in English.
Project financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (code FFI2012-32719). Number of researchers: 18. (For further information see the link General Aims of our Research Activity
Ethics and Trauma in Contemporary Fiction in English.
Consolíder Axis 3 Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science and the European Regional Development Fund (DGI/FEDER) (no. HUM2007-61035/FILO). 2008-2012. Number of researchers: 14.
The Ethics of Fiction: Writing, Reading and Representation in Contemporary Narrative in English.
Project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (no. HUM2004-00344/FIL). 2005-2007. Number of researchers: 14.
The Dialectics Foregrounding/Hindsight in Contemporary Narrative in English.
Competitive research project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund DGI/FEDER) (no. BFF2001-1775), 2001-2004. Number of researchers: 13.
The Postmodernist Intertext: The Cultural Hermeneutics of Contemporary Narrative in English.
Project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund DGI/FEDER) (no. PB. 97-1022), 1998-2001. Number of researchers: 7.
Structure and Ideology in Present-day Anglo-American Narrative: Subject, Margin, Narrativity.
Project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund DGI/FEDER) (no. PS94-0057), 1996-1998. Number of researchers: 6.
Historiographic Metafiction in the Contemporary British Novel.
Project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund DGI/FEDER) (no. PS90-0117), 1991-1993. Number of research team members: 6.
(Complementary action) Sexuality, Gender and Self-deconstruction: The North-American Cinema Comedy since 1980, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (no. PS90-0117), to finance the incorporation of Prof. Peter Evans (University of New Castle-Upon-Tyne, U.K) 1994-1995. Number of researchers: 6+1.