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Susana Onega and José Angel García Landa, Transl. Yurdanur Salman-Deniz Hakyemez. Adam Yayinlari: Istanbul. 2002. 



Susana Onega and José Angel García Landa, Anlatibilime Giri?. Transl. Yurdanur Salman-Deniz Hakyemez. Adam Yayinlari: Istanbul. 2002. 84 pp. ISBN: 975-418-705-3.

This book is a translation into Turkish of the Introduction to Narratology (2006), written by Susana Onega and JosÉ Angel García Landa. The Introduction offers a wider and a narrower definition of the term "narratology" and draws a historical overview of the evolution of narrative poetics from its remote origins in the work of Aristotle, to its gestation as a contemporary discipline associated with the post-Saussurean linguistics, Russian Formalism and French Structuralism. It also draws the outline of narratology's further development in various directions after the 1950s.