Our research

Francisco Collado. Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza: Zaragoza. 1985.





Francisco Collado, Pueblo y literatura: la poesía del cartismo.  Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza: Zaragoza. 1985. ISBN: 84-600-4374-6

Chartism is traditionally approached from a historical point of view. Consequently, little attention is usually paid to its literary production: articles, speeches, novels and poems. This book aims at providing an introduction to the field of chartist poetry. The author first offers a basic panorama of those historical aspects necessary to understand the birth of chartist literature. He then proceeds to describe the main features, influences and tendencies of chartist poetry, which is no easy task, since until then it had just been looked at from a purely political point of view. Finally, the largest section of the book is devoted to analysing a corpus of poems in terms of their terminology, use of images and resources, as well as in terms of their main aim: political propaganda. Collado suggests that, even if the all-important political purpose of this poetry is often detrimental to its artistic quality, the poems constitute a necessary intermediate step without which other movements, such as pre-Raphaelite poetry or social realism, would not have been possible.