
Paula Romo-Mayor is a research fellow at the Department of English and German Philology of the University of Zaragoza, a position she secured in December 2018, after being granted a competitive research fellowship financed by the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA). 

Paula graduated in English Studies at the University of Zaragoza in July 2017. In 2018, she obtained the

Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, after defending with honours her M.A. thesis entitled “Enhancing the Benefits of Literary Resources in the 21stCentury EFL Secondary Classroom: A Small-Scale Study”. 

She is currently enrolled in the Doctoral Programme offered by the University of Zaragoza and is writing her PhD thesis on the representation of trauma in the work of Rachel Seiffert, under the supervision of Prof. Susana Onega and Dr. Silvia Pellicer Ortín. Her main research interests lie in contemporary British fiction, Holocaust literature and the representation of trauma and memory, particularly from the perspective of the perpetrator.


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