Marta Bagüés Bautista is a PhD candidate at the Department of English and German Philology of the University of Zaragoza, a position she obtained in December 2022, after being granted a competitive research fellowship financed by the Diputación General de Aragón (DGA). Marta graduated in English Studies in 2019 and she also obtained an MA in Translation and Technologies, which allowed her to work as a translator and a project manager for several private companies. The publication of the article "Deeds and Words: The Holloway Jingles and the Fight for Female Suffrage" motivated her to enroll in the Doctoral Programme and pursue an academic career. Marta is currently writing her PhD thesis on the representation of time, vulnerability and borders in Ali Smith’s Seasonal Quartet, under the supervision of Dr Maite Escudero Alías. Her main research interests focus on feminist criticism, vulnerability studies and contemporary British fiction.