Brian McCabe
Poetry Collections
1972. Goodbye Schooltie. Dublin: Tara Telephone Publications.
1984. Spring’s Witch. Glasgow: The Mariscat Press.
1987. One Atom to Another. Edinburgh: Polygon.
1999. Body Parts. Edinburgh: Canongate Books Ltd.
2009. Zero. Edinburgh: Polygon.
Short-Story Collections
1985. The Lipstick Circus and Other Stories. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing.
1995 (1993). In a Dark Room with a Stranger. London: Penguin Books.
2001. A Date with my Wife. Edinburgh: Canongate Books.
2003. Selected Stories. Argyll: Argyll Publishing.
1991 (1990). The Other McCoy. London: Penguin Books.
Uncollected works
1971?. Not Donald MacDonald. Sad and Puzzling Scenes From the Life of A Very Minor Scottish Poet. Iverness: Highland Printmakers.
1972. "Scoolpoem". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices. Edinburgh: Garet Arts,
p. 35.
1972. "The Being Highly Intelligent". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices. p. 36.
1972. "Are you Lonesome Tonight Elvis Presley". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New
Voices, p. 37.
1972. "It ain’t Nothin’ but a Houn’dog". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 37.
1972. "The Bird Cupboard Lament". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 38.
1972. "Identikit". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 39.
1972. "Cocoa". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 39.
1972. "Sex Education". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 39.
1972. "Now Gimme a Big…". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 40.
1972. "Sunfall Nightset Cumbernauld". In John Schofield (ed.). Seven New Voices, p. 41.
1981. "No Real City". James Campbell (ed.). New Edinburgh Review. No. 54. Edinburgh: Spectrum Printing Company.
1982. "The Blind". James Campbell. New Edinburgh Review Anthology. Edinburgh:
Polygon Books, pp. 163-4.
1984. "The Full Moon". In David Hewitt (ed.). New Writing Scotland. Vol 2. Edinburgh: Association for Scottish Literary Studies, pp. 29-33.
1984. "In the Skip". In David Hewitt (ed.). New Writing Scotland. Vol 2, p. 34.
1985. "Bananas". Alexander Scott and James Aitchison (eds). New Writing Scotland.
Vol 3. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, p. 105.
1985c "Canal in Winter". Alexander Scott and James Aitchison (eds). New Writing Scotland.Vol 3, p. 106.
1985. "A Challenge". Alexander Scott and James Aitchison (eds). New Writing Scotland.Vol 3, p. 107.
1986 (1981). "Schoolpoem 2". In Roger McGough. Strictly Private. An Anthology of Poetry. Bungay, Suffolk: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd., p. 16.
1986 (1981). "Dad". In Roger McGough (ed.). Strictly Private. An Anthology of Poetry,
p. 17.
1987. "The Jamjar’s Song". In Angela Huth (ed.). Island of the Children. An Anthology
of New Poems. London: Orchard Books, pp. 78-79.
1988. "Kreative Riting". In Dilys Rose, Robert Forrest, Archie Ramsay et al. I Can Sing, Dance, Rollerskate. Scottish Short Stories 1988. Bodmin, Cornwall: Hartnolls
Limited, pp. 83-90.
1989. "The Face". In Erik Coutts, Peter Regent et al. The Red Hog of Colima. Scottish
Short Stories. 1989. Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Co., pp. 181-186.
1991. "Introduction". In John Herdman et al. 1991. The Devil and Dr Tuberose. Scottish Short Stories. Glasgow: Harper Collins, pp. vii-ix.
1991 (1989). "Feathered Choristers". In Carl McDougall (ed.). The Devil and the Giro:
Two Centuries of Scottish Stories. Edinburgh: Canongate Classics, pp. 571-580.
1991. "Tree". In Angela Huth (ed.). Casting a Spell and Other Poems. An Anthology of
New Poems. London: Orchard Books, pp. 76-77.
1992. "Say Something". In Giles Gordon and David Hughes (eds). Best Short Stories
1992. London: Heinemann, pp. 157-165.
1993. "MacCaig and People". In Gavin Wallace and Randall Stevenson. The Scottish
Novel since the Seventies: New Vision, Old Dreams. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press, pp. 109-123.
1994. "Fallen Angel" Poem of the Week. The Scotsman Weekend, 17/12/94.
1995b. "Shouting it Out". In Tom Pow. Shouting It Out: Stories From Contemporary Scotland.
London: Hodder and Stoughton Educational, pp. 49-58.
1996. "Appreciations". Robert Alan Jamieson and Gavin Wallace (eds). Edin burgh
Review. If Bad Language is the Issue… no. 95. Edinburgh: Polygon, pp. 74-79.
1996b. "Six Poems". Robert Alan Jamieson and Gavin Wallace (eds) Edinburgh Review.
If Bad Language is the Issue… no. 95, pp. 80-85.
1996. "Table d’Hôte". In Richard Glyn Jones (ed.). Naked Graffity. London: Indigo,
pp. 358-370.
1997. "The Host". In Donny O’Rouke and Kathleen Jamie (eds). New Writing Scotland.
Some Sort of Embrace. Glasgow: Bell & Bain, pp. 82-90.
1997. "The Face" (1989). In Gordon Jarvie (ed.). Writing from Scotland. Figures in a
Landscape. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 57-61.
1998. "Buzzard". In Kathleen Jamie and Donny O’Rouke (eds). New Writing Scotland.
An Antholgy of New Writing. v. 16: The Glory of Signs. Glasgow: Bell & Bain, p. 84.
1998. "Eel". In Kathleen Jamie and Donny O’Rouke (eds). New Writing Scotland. An
Antholgy of New Writing. v. 16: The Glory of Signs., p. 84.
1998. "Cockroach". In Kathleen Jamie and Donny O’Rouke (eds). New Writing Scotland. An Antholgy of New Writing. v. 16: The Glory of Signs., p. 85.
1998. "Mussel". In Kathleen Jamie and Donny O’Rouke (eds). New Writing Scotland.
An Antholgy of New Writing. v. 16: The Glory of Signs, p. 86.
1998. "Spider". Sean Bradley (ed.). Deliberately Thirsty. Winter 98/99. Argyll: Argyll
Publishing, pp. 22.
1998. "Viceroy". Sean Bradeley (ed.). Deliberately Thirsty. Winter 98/99, p. 23.
2001. "At Their Home". La traductière. Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19. Un nouvel horizon/ Entering a New Millennium, p. 101. Translation of Petr Král’s "Chez
Elles" (1995).
2001. "Dawn". La traductière. Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19. Un nouvel horizon/Entering a New Millennium, p. 104. Translation of Marie- AndrÉe Lamontagne’s "Abe" (1996).
2001. "Frost". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19. Un nouvel horizon/Entering a New Millennium, p. 107. Translation of Marie- AndrÉe Lamontagne’s "Gel" (1998).
2001. "Making Senses". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19. Un nouvel horizon/ Entering a New Millennium, p. 108. Also in One Atom to Another
1987. Edinburgh: Polygon, p. 17.
2001. "We". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19. Un nouvel horizon/Entering a New Millennium, p. 110. Also in Body Parts. 1999. Edinburgh: Canongate Books, p.63.
2001. "Land in sight". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19. Un nouvel horizon/ Entering a New Millennium, p. 125. Translation of Dominique Sorrente’s "Terre en Vue" (1998).
2001. "Train With No Landscape". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no.
19. Un nouvel horizon/ Entering a New Millennium, p. 128. Translation of Esther
Tellermann’s "Terre mentale" (1999).
2001. "Awaken Very Slowly". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19.
Un nouvel horizon/ Entering a New Millennium, p. 132. Translation of Laurence
Verrey’s "NÉe très lentement…" (1992).
2001. "Drinkers of Tall Grass". La traductière Revue franco-anglaise de poÉsie. no. 19.
Un nouvel horizon/ Entering a New Millennium, p. 132. Translation of Laurence Verrey’s "Buveurs d’herbe haute ..." (1992).
2001l. "Frost". Translation of Marie-AndrÉe Lamontagne. Epic Poems. Poem-Postcards. Edinburgh : Scottish Poetry Library.
2001. "The Host". In Alan Bissett (ed.). Damage Land. New Scottish Gothic Fiction.
Edinburgh: Polygon, pp. 9-19.
2003.Untitled. In John Duncan Fergusson et al. Tête-à -tête. Perth: Perth & Kinross
Council, p. 1.
2003. "After Lunch". In John Duncan Fergusson et al. Tête-à -tête, p. 14.
2004c "Orraman". In Brian McCabe, Margaret Gillies Brown and Patricia Ace (eds).
The Lie of the Land. Stories and Poems from Perth and Kinross. Perth: Perth and
Kinross Libraries, pp. 72-73.
2004. "Sparky". In Brian McCabe, Margaret Gillies Brown and Patricia Ace (eds). The
Lie of the Land. Stories and Poems from Perth and Kinross, p. 73.
2004. "Stained Glass Artist". In Brian McCabe, Margaret Gillies Brown and Patricia
Ace (eds). The Lie of the Land. Stories and Poems from Perth and Kinross, p. 74.
2004. "The Birks of Aberfeldy". In Brian McCabe, Margaret Gillies Brown and
Patricia Ace (eds). The Lie of the Land. Stories and Poems from Perth and Kinross,
p. 75.
2006. "Strange Fare". In John Aberdein, Sally Beamish et al. Work. New Scottish Writing.
Edinburgh: Polygon, p. 168-177.
2007a. "A Simple Thing". Accessed on 14/04/ 2007 at:
2007 (2002). "The Gods" (trans.), "The Housing Estate" (trans.), "If I say to You"
(trans.), "The River District" (trans.). The Scottish Poetry Library, accessed on
14/08/2007 at:
2007. "Buddha". In Lizzie MacGregor (ed.). Luckenbooth. An Anthology of Edinburgh
Poetry, p. 110.
Published translations of Brian McCabe’s work:
2004. Sanaron, Emmanuèle and Alexandre Tubiana. Bienvenue sur Knoxland. Nantes:
Éditions Le Passeur.
2008. Aliaga Lavrijsen, Jessica. "Interferencia" by Brian McCabe. Cartaphilus. Revista
de Investigación y Crítica EstÉtica vol. 4: 219 - 225. issn: 1887-5238. Accessible
at: 45911/43951
2010. Aliaga Lavrijsen, Jessica. "Un átomo a otro" by Brian McCabe. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. Alicante: Prensas Universitarias de Alicante. Forthcomming.
2011. Aliaga Lavrijsen, Jessica. "Interferencia". Doppelgänger. Zaragoza: JekyllandJill.
2012. Aliaga Lavrijsen, Jessica. El Otro McCoy. Zaragoza: JekyllandJill.
Articles and Essays
2005a "Writers on Writing. Brian McCabe. An Introduction". Crossing Borders. Accessed on 03/02/2005 at: writersonwriting/brianmccabe/
2009. "Numbercrunching". Textualities. Accessed on 19/02/2009 at: http://textuali -
2004. McCabe, Brian, Margaret Gillies Brown and Patricia Ace (eds). The Lie of the
Land. Stories and Poems from Perth and Kinross. Perth: Perth and Kinross
2007-2010. McCabe, Brian (ed.). Edinburgh Review. Issues 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,124, 125, 126, 127 and 128. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Review.
Secondary Sources
Aliaga Lavrijsen, Jessica. 2007. "The Ethical Demand in Brian McCabe ‘Say Something’". In Proceedings of XXXII AEDEAN Conference, Palma de Mallorca, 2009,
pp. 440-444.
___. 2008. "Identity(ies) in Brian McCabe’s The Other McCoy". In Lorenzo
Modia, María JesÚs (eds). Proceedings XXXI AEDEAN Conference. A Coruña:
Universidade da Coruña, 2008, pp. 443-451.
___. 2008. "Conversation Area Two: A Conversation with Brian McCabe".
___. 2009. "The Fetish of Ciphers: Brian McCabe’s Zero". Textualities. Accessed
on 11/08/2009 at:
___. 2012. The Redefinition of Scottish Identity and the Relation Self/Other(s) in the Fiction of Brian McCabe. Peter Lang. Forthcomming.
Thomas, Ruth. 1990. "Brian McCabe Interviewed by Ruth Thomas". Scottish Book
Collector. vol. 2, issue 4; Apr/May 1990. Edinburgh: Scottish Book Collector,
pp. 2-3.