
Tim Winton (1960-) is a white West-Australian novelist and short-story writer whose work has been widely recognized in the UK and the US. His novels The Riders (1994) and Dirt Music (2001) were short-listed for the Booker Prize and he has also received several prestigious literary awards in his own country. He is the author of Cloudstreet (1991), voted the most popular Australian novel in 2003. He writes about the people and the landscape of West Australia, with special emphasis on family and gender relations. His work offers an interesting version of masculinity that revises patriarchal forms.


Primary Sources


An Open Swimmer (1982)

Shallows (1984)

That Eye, the Sky (1986)

In the Winter Dark (1988)

Cloudstreet (1991)

The Riders (1994)

Blueback (1997)

Dirt Music (2001)

Breath (2008)

Short story collections

Scission (1985)

Minimum of Two (1987)

The Turning (2005)

Secondary Sources

Ben-Messahel, Salhia. 1998. "The Boomerang Effect of Time and History in Tim Winton’s Fictionalized Australia". Commonwealth Essays and Studies. 21.1 (Autumn, 1998): 63-71.

—. 2006. Mind the Country: Tim Winton’s Fiction. Crawley: University of Western Australia Press.

Bennett, Bruce. 1994. "Nostalgia for Community: Tim Wintons Essays and Stories." Tilting at Matilda: Literature, Aborigines, Women and the Church in Contemporary Australia. Haskell-Dennis, ed. South Fremantle: Fremantle Arts Centre. 60-73.

Bennett, Geoff. 1997. The Edge of the World. A Film Australia National Interest Program.

Crane, Kylie. 2006. "The Beat of the Land: Place and Music in Tim Winton’s Dirt Music," Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 54.1: 21-32.

Guy, Elisabeth. 1996-7. "A Conversation with Tim Winton." Southerly: A Review of Australian Literature, 56. 4 (Summer):127-33.

Hopkins, Lekkie. 1993. "Writing from the Margins: Representations of Gender and Class in Winton." Reading Tim Winton. Rossiter, Richard and Lyn Jacobs, eds. Sydney and Auckland: Angus & Robertson. 45-58.

Jacobs, Lyn. 2007. "Tim Winton and West Australian Writing". In Nicholas Birns and Rebecca McNeer (eds.) A Companion to Australian Literature since 1900. Rochester, New York: Camden House. 307-319.

Laigle, Genevieve. 1997. "You Cant be Immature for ever: The Painful Process of Growing Up in Tim Wintons That Eye, the Sky". Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 19.2 (Spring):22-32.

McGirr, Michael. 1999. Tim Winton: The Writer and his Work. South Yarra: MacMillan.

Quin, Rod & Robin. The Edge of the World: Viewing Notes.

Rossiter, Richard and Lyn Jacobs, eds. 1993. Reading Tim Winton. Sydney and Auckland: Angus & Robertson.

Rossiter, Richard. 2004. "The Writer and the Community: An Interview with Tim Winton". Westerly. 49 (2004): 29-38.

Rutherford, Jennifer. "The Colonizing Victim: Tim Winton’s Irish Conceit," in Flight from Certainty: The Dilemma of Identity and Exile, ed. Anne Luyat & Francine Tolron (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2001): 153–64.

Wachtel, Eleanor. 1997. "Eleanor Wachtel with Tim Winton." Malahat Review, 121 (Winter):63-81.

Watzke, Beth. 1991. "Where Pigs Speak in Tongues and Angels Come and Go: A Conversation with Tim Winton." Antipodes: A North-American Journal of Australian Literature (Brooklyn, New York), 5. 2: 96-98.